Sunday, February 3, 2008

classy broad connections

Welcome fellow CLASSY BROADS!

My sister, an accomplished writer and blogger has been strongly engouraging me to join the blogging ranks. I have been reluctant until I found a jumping off point.

I have been thinking lately about all of us who are sisters, mothers of daughters, daughters,grand daughters, grand mothers, girl cousins, mother-in-laws, daughter-in laws, sister-in-laws, aunts, nieces and friends so dear that we may as well be sisters; In other words CLASSY BROADS.

I am very aware that many may not agree with my views and I think that is awesome because it speaks to our freedom of thought and our uniqueness as women. I have no intention to offend anyone and apologize in advance if I do but please share your ideas with me by adding comments.

It is our time to be heard; time to have a conversation about how we would like to see our lives become fulfilled. We might have very different feelings about issues facing our world and that is okay. I am anxious in this election year to learn from each of you who should be our next leader.

We as women have strong opinions and good judgement. Let us share those ideas and just possibly come to a consensus on ways to save our planet and make life safer for our children and generations to come.

I would like to hear how you are going green or if not what your feelings are concerning global warming. I want to hear if we should elect a man or woman to the white house. Who are we ready for and why do you believe it?

What you worry about? Who has been there done that and how did you resolve your worries? How can we be helpful?

I am very much in favor of Universal Health Care. I believe that if we had more preventive care, we might be able to lower costs and insurance premiums. We might lessen the number of people like myself with Type 2 Diabetes and its devastating effects. My personal story includes multiple surgeries to save my vision, placement of a fistula (grafting of vein to artery) to faciltate dialysis, and the need for a kidney transplant. I am one of the lucky ones to have excellent health insurance coverage but I know so many who struggle with funding their heakth care.

I am ready to have Hilary Clinton at the helm but also want to hear who you support and why. I believe her overall experience is what we need. I find Barack Obama to be charming but he has many contradictions that concern me. In the last debate he stated that while he knew that Clinton was more experienced to start on day one it was more important to be right than reasoned. Later when asked about a shared ticket he said that he would surround himself with persons not afraid to say no to him because he knew he would not always be right. How does that follow? As women and those of us who are moms we know that flexibility is more important than being seen as right. At every turn life changes and frankly women are more adept at changing with it. I welcome his candidacy in four or eight years once he has gained more experience in national government.

Those are my first thoughts, now I would love to hear yours perhaps you will sway me to your side.

We will follow the election in this blog for awhile. We will watch to see if Mitt Romney's hair ever moves or if Hilary becomes a gentler spirit. Will Barack teach Bill any dance moves? Let's all watch and see.

See you soon
Classy Brassy Broad


bonnieraven said...

hey, this is a great idea. thanks for including me.
there is much in your post to reply to and my time is short so I will reply to one thing for now and maybe more later.
as for hillary, I would prefer to have her in the office myself, for many reasons.
as for romney, well, if people in this country would stop and look at his record... his home state gave him the nod, sure, he didn't govern them. can't wait to see what happens tomorrow when we vote here in MA. as far as I am concerned he used the office here as a stepping stone and that's all. I had high hopes for him when he was elected. he had saved the olympics and I had hopes he would have a positive effect on our economy. little did I know how much damage he would do to the school systems. with grandchildren, some of whom are special needs, struggling along in the school system, I am so upset with changes that have strangled the local schools all the way from boston. it was his responsibility to help us ensure the future of these kids and the future of our country when they are old enough to vote. he really let us down. I don't know a lot about politics but I know how this man has affected the lives of the children in my family and I am terrified he will get a chance to do this to kids in the whole country.
well, that's enough of me for now.
good luck with this project!

Yarntangler said...

This year will certainly be one of much debate. I already see many more people waking up and talking about this election. Hilary Clinton is good for a conversation starter and that's better than nothing. But then so are Obama and McCain.

What is important is that people open their eyes and their minds and really pay attention to what is being said-and done by each of the candidates.

Then get out and vote!


Yarntangler said...

Well, the election is over and Hilary won't be the first Madam least not this time. We won't ever count her out. But I don't expect that she and the Mr. will disappear from the scene.

What are you up to now and what direction are your thoughts going nowadays? Inquiring minds want to know.